Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Tubes, A Rising Favorite

It has been an intersting last few weeks in fishing, and in general..just an interesting last month in life. Being called out on a stage and being graduated was one milestone, ending one chapter and then starting a new one. It's been a rollercoaster, thats for sure, but one thing stands the same..whenever I am free..I gotta fish.

Nothing stops me, even after a hard day of hauling scrap metal to Mcgervich & Sons will not keep me from the water. Its been a different type of fishing season though, taking a new level with tournaments, trying out new waters, and of lures, let me share!

Private ponds can be considered "cheating", because it is an easy way to find good fish, but can also teach you a lot..and what I like most about ponds is that you can use more lures and catch more fish with them. When you are less-confident about using this bait, or that bait, try out a pond..but get permission first. Use a lure that you seldom throw and see what happens, thats what I've been taking time to do. One lure that was on the bottom ofmy tackle box was the tube from Hot Rod Baits. Just about a month ago is when I decided to give them a shot..well, now I can say they are possibly my favorite. What happend to Producto? Well, I have been using them also, but not as much. I've been so confident on these tubes!

It was a cloudy Sunday morning when I used every color of tube I had with me, at a private pond. Doing the same tactic of jigging like a worm has resulted in MORE hits that anything else. Well, I thought to myself, "maybe its just the pond thats good for the hits on tubes". A week or so later, I tried another private water, this time with Strike King and Hot Rod tubes. In just one hour, I brought in 11 Bass, and used a different color each time! Two fish were over the keeping limit, at 16 and 18 inches, but gently released back into its home for future catches! Then, just last week, things went NUTS! Bringing in over 20 Bass in just an hour anda half, and 5 were keeper sized (pic shown--18 inch PIG). My tournaments have brought the keeper sized, but I surely have nailed a few on them, now its just got me this now my favorite bait?! I didn't even trust them strongly a month ago, now its my top weapon!

I hope you all enjoyed my first article outside of the classrooms, making time work for these isn't easy with the work I am doing, but I find ways because of this passion I have caught. I hope you learned a little about "tubing" and always give a lure a shot..cause who may get you some memorable fish along the way..sure did for me!!!

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